Friday, December 4, 2020

EOTO PART 2: Online Influencers


    Online influencers have been a trending occupation within the past decade as technology and social media have advanced. Online influencers first started advertising for brands and giving user recommendations from platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Here influencers are able to create a following and sense of trust from their subscribers in assisting them in what products are best to purchase. Influencers are most commonly seen as advertising for clothing and beauty brands in return for a decent-paying salary from the company. As social media platforms grow and advance, we see a growing number of influencers from all demographics touching on a range of topics. Popular influencers today turn to YouTube as a way to market brands. Influencers are able to vlog (video-blogging) their experiences and product recommendations for subscribers to see and interact with. The new app TikTok which has grown a tremendous user percentage within the last 2 years, has become a popular platform for influencers as well. Here people are able to obtain sponsorships and marketing through a one-minute video and also has the capability in assisting individuals trying to expand small businesses. Users are able to like and interact with these videos and TikTok will start to filter your feed to similar topics and videos. This marketing strategy has increased user traffic into purchasing from certain brands.

    Although there are many positive aspects to the online influencer community, it can also be damaging to society. A lot of times when influencers are getting paid for sponsorships and advertising products, there becomes a rising conflict of credibility. There are individuals who take advantage of their following on social media and will give untruthful reviews of a product in hopes of continuing to have paid sponsorships with the brand in the future. This can result in unsatisfied customers leading to the damage of a company and influencers reputation. It is important when seeking out influencers for product recommendations that you can rely on them to advertise only for the products that they truly love. This creates a foundation of trust between influencer and user. 

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