Friday, December 4, 2020

Week 15: My Online Presence


    As an individual who relies on social media for a career in the fashion industry, the way I present myself online is very important to me. I am a Fashion Merchandising major with a concentration in print journalism at High Point University, which involves a lot of visual and design aspects that I broadcast on social media. I am currently on social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, and Pinterest but at a young age, around middle school, I had become a user of these platforms for a much different reason than I do now. My initial intention of downloading these apps at such a young age was simply to go along with what was trending in order to avoid being an outsider among my peers. Since then, coming to college and having set career goals in fashion, I have altered my use of these websites as a way to advertise my work as well as forming a network of people. Since then my Instagram account and my lifestyle blog, "Brunch and A Brunette" have gained a slight increase in followers. Here I am able to share my thoughts and ideas both in design and literature to inspire and grow the fashion industry. I rely heavily on Pinterest for visual stimulants to help broaden all different areas of fashion and design. This platform has great organizational tools in which I can create my own folders of pins that I like from a range of different topics of design. 

    Visitors to my blog and social media platforms could easily imply what my interests are based on my posts and tags. With my unique use of photography skills, hashtags, and my physical presence in posts, people can infer that I have a unique interest in the world of art and design. Along with these changes in social media presence, I have also had to think about how my growing conversion of followers can interfere with my privacy and personal information. This is a concept that I have had to strategize on how I can go about this in a safe and successful manner. On my lifestyle blog, I want my followers to have other resources where they can reach out to me and ask me questions and give me feedback as well as getting to see the behind the scenes of my work and my ultimate inspirations. By this, I am able to attach a corresponding g-mail and phone number that subscribers can use as well as a link to my public Pinterest and Instagram account. It is important to me that if I am going to broadcast this information that I regulate and monitor my content as well as my following. As I hope to expand my following on my blog and other platforms, it is hard to tell what new challenges I am going to face. Questions arise like will I have to limit my online presence? Will I need to put new privacy regulations in place for the safety of myself and others? What will companies that I hope to work for in the future think of my content? These are all subjects that are important to me in order to be successful in my career all while doing it safely and appropriately. 

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Week 15: My Online Presence

       As an individual who relies on social media for a career in the fashion industry, the way I present myself online is very important t...