Monday, October 12, 2020

Antiwar Sentiments Masked from the Media

In all my years of being a student, I never gave much thought to antiwar voices and their impact on the media. Often times whenever I hear news about current things happening in the war and drafting, I think of it as a way of promoting individuals to serve. Rarely have I ever seen or heard anything in the mainstream media about antiwar acts. I believe that media is a platform that strategically chooses which news and events to broadcast to the public. America depends on the help of the media to help encourage individuals to serve in the war. With this being said, antiwar sentiments would be highly counterintuitive to the United States' overall objectives. 

The United States is known for its patriotic spirit and the people's gratitude towards those who lost their lives serving our country. We take pride in the efforts towards defending our country and making America the best it can be. It is important for news sources to broadcast this kind of news to help push for help in war as there is always strength in numbers. On the contrary, it is crucial to have an understanding that there are always important things for us to know about the war that aren't broadcasted on mainstream media. The media picks and chooses topics that are seemingly the most beneficial for the public. It is important that as a society we understand the ins and outs of the war and how it can either shed a negative and positive light on our country. 

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