Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Eight Values of Free Expression

1.) Discovery of Truth
2.) Participation in Self-Government
3.) stable change
4.) Individual Self-Fulfillment
5.) Check on Governmental Power
6.) Promote Tolerance
7.) Promote Innovation
8.) Protect Dissent

The Eight Values of Free Expression are important to society in promoting political change and expression of individuality. I personally resonate with most of these values as I take pride in carrying these specific values with me day to day. The value that resonates with me the most is promoting innovation as I enjoy being creative and coming up with new ideas that I can apply to society. Having a unique and artistic personality, I can use my creativity as an advantage in innovating new ideas and being able to fulfill myself and others. 

Another value that I find is very important to me in incorporating into my life is the value of participation in self-government. As I've become older, learning and understanding the ins and outs of government and politics has been very important for me. Having this level of knowledge assures me that I am making the right choices in elections and be able to articulate why I feel a certain individual is right for the position. The year 2020 has been a big year in promoting the importance of voting and being proactive in elections and debates, especially for younger generations. It's important for the younger generations to be involved in order to make a change!

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